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Omkar Singh
(3000 Reviews)

Omkar Singh
(1000 Reviews)

Omkar Singh
(2000 Reviews)

📖 1. Introduction to Nanotechnology 🧬 Definition Nanotechnology is the technology related to controlling and manipulating matter at the atomic, molecular, and ultra-small scale (1-100 nanometers). It involves the fabrication and use of particles and structures that exhibit different and unique properties compared to their bulk counterparts. Another name for it is molecular engineering.The term […]

This Part describes the Rathore dynasty of Marwar, from Maharaja Jaswant Singh I to Maharaja Hanuwant Singh .

यह भाग मारवाड़ के राठौड़ वंश का वर्णन करता है, जो महाराजा जसवंत सिंह I से लेकर महाराजा हनुवंत सिंह तक फैला हुआ है।
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