Rajasthan GK

This Part describes the Rathore dynasty of Marwar, from Maharaja Jaswant Singh I to Maharaja Hanuwant Singh .

यह भाग मारवाड़ के राठौड़ वंश का वर्णन करता है, जो महाराजा जसवंत सिंह I से लेकर महाराजा हनुवंत सिंह तक फैला हुआ है।

This Part describes the Rathore dynasty of Marwar, from Rao Siha to Maharaja Gaj Singh I.

इस भाग में मारवाड़ के राठौड़ वंश (रावसीहा से लेकर महाराजा गजसिंह प्रथम तक) का वर्णन है।

यह भाग राजस्थान के प्रमुख शिलालेखों और अभिलेखों का वर्णन करता है। इसमें रियासती राज्य के सिक्के भी शामिल हैं।

This Part describes the major inscriptions and edicts of Rajasthan. It includes Princely State Coins

This Part describes the major inscriptions and edicts of Rajasthan. It includes inscriptions from Mewar to those of the Chauhan dynasty and other inscriptions.

This part describes the ancient civilizations found in Rajasthan, including the civilizations from Hanumangarh to the Bairath civilization

This part provides information about the ancient civilizations of Rajasthan, covering everything from the civilization of Jodhpur to the civilizations discovered in Tonk.

This part provides information about the ancient civilizations of Rajasthan. It covers the civilizations of Hadoti, Bharatpur, and other regions.